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How to Edit Your Case
Dr. Alex Molayem avatar
Written by Dr. Alex Molayem
Updated over a week ago

In the Orthosnap portal, there are several actions you can take to update a case after you have submitted it.

First, select the patient you are adding or modifying information for. This is can be done by clicking the Patients option from the left menu, then selecting from a list.

The list is separated into three tabs.

  • At Lab - section contains cases for patients that we're processing.

  • At Office - contains cases that have been shipped to you.

  • Archived - contains any completed or canceled cases.

Alternatively, you can search for a patient by name in the box next to the tabs.

Next, the drop-down menu on the upper right has options for canceling a case, scheduling a consultation, and in some cases, printing a case label.

If you wish to add new clinical photos or STL files to the case, select the tab at the center of the page labeled "Uploaded files". From there, click "Create New" which will allow you to select the files you wish to add.

If you wish to send a note to Orthosnap regarding this case, select the pencil icon on the upper right near the label "Messages"

If you don't see the solution you're looking for, message us anytime using our chat link on any Orthosnap page, in the lower righthand corner.

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